Geo-space Engineering Center (GEC)
Geo-space Engineering Center (GEC) was established in September 1989 with the support of MITI; Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now METI; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and private companies with the aim of conducting research and development in the field of engineering required for the advanced utilization of underground space.
In order to protect the earth's environment by utilizing the characteristics of the frontier we have access to - underground space - and to contribute not only to people's living and safety, but also to the realization and development of a new industrial economy and society, GEC conducts research and development in the field of engineering by combining the capabilities of member companies with a wide range of expertise with the support of relevant government organizations, universities, etc.
It is GEC's sincere intention to make a great contribution to the formation of a harmonious city in the near future and the creation of a safe and secure living/culture.
The following are the main activities of GEC:
- To conduct research and study on the development and use of underground space,
- To collect and provide documents and information regarding the development and utilization of underground space,
- To provide technical guidance on the development and utilization of underground space,
- To promote international exchange by holding and participating in international conferences,
- To engage in the dissemination of information on the development and use of underground space, and
- To promote other activities for the development and utilization of underground space.
In this context and for reference, some recent results of GEC's research and development are detailed below.
GEC's survey, research, and development activities can be categorized as “voluntary researchs,” “contract work,” and “subsidized projects. The results of these activities are published on ENAA's website as members-only materials for the annual presentation of results.
Voluntary Research Groups
The following five research groups are ongoing as GEC's voluntary research activities
(1) Radioactive Waste Study Group
Recently, GEC has been collecting and organizing information on the following two research themes.
①Evaluation of the impact on safety of changes in the radioactivity and calorific value of high-level vitrified waste, etc., resulting from delays in the completion of the reprocessing plant, which is the key to the nuclear fuel cycle.
②Considerations for repository design, etc., due to uncertainties in the results of geological surveys conducted to select candidate repository sites
(2) Study group on geothermal power generation and heat utilization
Voluntary study groups on geothermal power generation and heat utilization are ongoing. The group meets six times a year, with two geothermal experts speaking at each meeting. Each meeting is attended by nearly 100 participants and serves as a valuable source of information and exchange of information in the field of geothermal power generation and heat utilization. Many of the lecture materials are available on ENAA's website.
(3) Measurement Technology Research Group
With the aim of promoting and developing various measurement technologies such as geophysical exploration, monitoring, and in-situ testing, as well as improving technologies, ENAA has created the “Measurement Technology Search Service,” which contains various measurement technologies owned by member companies, and makes them available on ENAA's website.
(4) Hydrogen Infrastructure Study Group
In anticipation of the arrival of the “era of mass hydrogen use,” the group collects and organizes the latest trends and information on hydrogen infrastructure, including the latest hydrogen production technology, hydrogen transportation technology, hydrogen utilization technology, and hydrogen power generation technology, through on-site surveys and lecture meetings, and shares this information with the members of the study group.
(5) Geo-environmental Research Group
This is a new study group established in FY2023. It aims to improve the level of analytical methods and analytical engineers by setting common issues related to the effects of excavation on the ground (including bedrock) and conducting reproducible analyses using multiple numerical analysis methods owned by member companies for mutual comparisons.
Cntract work
(1) Geothermal contract work from JOGMEC
ENAA has prepared reports related to geothermal power generation under contract to JOGMEC, which are available on JOGMEC's website and utilized by many people involved in geothermal power generation.
Report on “Closed-type geothermal power generation planning study” commissioned by JOGMEC for the technological development of innovative geothermal power generation (March 2023).
FY2020 “Guidelines for the Design of Small-Scale Geothermal Power Plants” (July 2020).
FY 2013 “Guide for Promoting the Introduction of Hot Spring Power Among Small-Scale Geothermal Power Generation” (February 2015)
(2) Geothermal-related contract work from NEDO
The results of the “Research and Development of Small-Scale Geothermal Smart Power Generation & Heat Supply by Applying IoT-AI” conducted in FY 2018-2021 were presented at the Annual Conference of the Geothermal Society of Japan in 2021, and the report is available onNEDO's results report database.
(3) Contracted work related to floating offshore wind power generation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
In the “Research and Study for Establishment of Safety Assessment Methodology, etc. for Floating Offshore Wind Power Generation Facilities” conducted in FY 2019-2023, NEDO was in charge of examining concrete floating structures, and some of its results have been published on the website of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and in the Journal of Japan Wind Power Association.
Subsidized Projects
Every two years, a new research theme is proposed to JKA, and “Underground Utilization Promotion Subcommittee,” consisting of several subcommittees organized by member companies, promotes JKA's subsidized projects.,/p>
The following are the names of the themes from FY2019 onward.
FY 2019-2020: Research and study on three-dimensional utilization of underground space in urban areas
FY2021-2022: Research on reconstruction of underground infrastructure in consideration of post-corona environmental changes
FY2023-2024: Research on multi-purpose underground infrastructure model
The results of these studies are published in a public version report on ENAA's website.