An Approach to the Future through Engineering

Top Ten Stories of ENAA in 2023

The Engineering Advancement Association of Japan (ENAA)is a non-profit organization established in 1978 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade & Industry ( the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)) to aim at developing diversified activities such as advancement of technological capabilities and promotion of technical development. It is also contemplated herein to assume a role of Front Runner to establish a social system in harmony with the development of social economy and environment through participation of a lot of enterprises engaged in engineering business under the close cooperation with government, academia and industry.

ENGINEERING involves in an activity to make a contribution to new social system and innovation established toward the attainment of a certain social goal or mission by combining " technology" and " knowledge" subdivided and specialized.

ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES intend to contribute to realizing the development for our sustainable society and advancement for social environment through the triune functions of high value added " production" , " systemization" of technology and the comprehensive " project management " of the former ones.

In particular, with the purpose to differentiate us from other countries and survive in international community in light of scarcity in natural resources, it is needed for us to further utilize " human resources " and " technology " deemed as the only one resource in our country and thereby it is also desired by " Engineering" to attain the sustainable development of the society in harmony with environment and the establishment of internationally competitive social system and economic infrastructure.

Engineering industry is also a collective entity of diverse enterprises in terms of business activities or lines and their origins, and therefore, ENAA is mostly characterized by respecting a character of each enterprise and then being able to work together for the above mentioned purpose.

Members of ENAA consist of 263 companies (as of 3月,2025 ) and are broken down as below:

Number of member companies / organizations

Category No. of companies
Engineering (mainly engaged in engineering) 52
Steel and Structure 3
General Construction 25
Shipbuilding/Heavy Machinery 7
Electric/Telecommunication/Instrument 9
Industrial Machinery 21
General Trading 7
Mining/Oil Refinery/ Chemical/ Ceramics 13
Electric Power/Gas 2
Transport 6
Insurance / Financial Institutions 8
Law firms 11
Consultants, etc. 73
Foundations, Oganizations, Associations, Research Institutes. etc 26

Cooperating Member

Gov.-related Organizations, Prefectures, Universities, etc. 37

Furthermore, ENAA owns related functions and divisions such as " Geo-space Engineering Center (GEC) " to promote the development utilization of underground spaces including unharnessed deep ones and " the Safety and Environment Center for Petroleum Development (SEC) " to promote the establishment of advanced petroleum and natural gas development system. The former consists of 54 member companies and the latter 26 ones.