Expediting the development and advancement of engineering

ENAA gathers and analyzes information in Japan and overseas to meet the needs of the sector and to ensure that Japan's engineering services stay ahead of the times. The association also sponsors a wide variety of regular activities and publications to promote the ongoing advancement of the engineering services industry and disseminate information on breakthroughs achieved through committee activities, etc.
- Study of various issues regarding conclusion of project contracts and creation of ENAA model forms
- Research on financial and legal affairs
- Collection and analysis of information on engineering and future outlook
- Sponsorship of annual symposium
- Training programs to develop project managers and project engineering
- Publication of committee reports
- Publication of annual report on "Facts and Trends" in the engineering service industry
Development of Project & Program Management System for Enterprise Innovation (P2M) in Global Applications
Project management is now an indispensable prerequisite, not only for the construction of diverse plants and large-scale buildings as well as the development of software systems, but also for various research and development activities, development of new products, and creation of new businesses and corporate management in this era of transformation. ENAA compiled its Project & Program Management System for Enterprise Innovation (P2M) in autumn 2001 after three years of continuous research and development efforts. Compilation of P2M, which incorporates project management practices unique to Japan, was undertaken by ENAA with the support of METI (Ministry of Economy, Transport and Industry) with the aim of enhancing the international competitiveness of Japan's enterprises so that Japan can play a leading role globally. P2M is different from the knowledge systems of the West in two ways, namely "project creation" and "capability building". The former refers to programmed integrated management, while the latter refers to 11 discrete management elements, such as portfolios, targets, financing, information systems, and communications.
In each project, the project manager assumes the role of leader. Therefore, training of competent and highly qualified project managers who can identify and solve problems from a broad perspective, enhancement of their knowledge and capabilities, and certification of such qualifications requires urgent implementation.
ENAA established a new certification system for project and program managers, comprising the following three levels in ascending order, according to their levels of professional missions, responsibilities and experience: Project Management Specialist (PMS), Project Management Registered (PMR), and Project Management Architect (PMA).Certification and accreditation works are undertaken by the Project Management Association of Japan (PMAJ). PMAJ is a non-profit organization (NPO) established in 2005 succeeding to Project Management Professionals Certification Center (PMCC). It is responsible for promoting project management and its certification system for project management professionals as well as maintaining, upgrading and promoting P2M.
P2M was revised and published in December, 2007, and certification on this revised version started in 2008.
Engineering Symposium
ENAA sponsors Engineering Symposium held annually for two days in October or November. People concerned with "Engineering" in the Government / Academia / Industry get together and have an opportunity to exchange with each other at the Symposium. It is also contemplated there to deepen social recognition for engineering.
The Symposium consists of speech by outstanding lecturers from the engineering industry, research institutes and universities, panel discussion on hot issues and a lot of sessions divided by theme. After the lectures and sessions, such participants and lecturers have an opportunity to exchange with each other at the party.
In this connection, under the main theme of "For Brightening Tomorrow's Japan ! -- Let's Make a Use of Engineering Power Now -- the Symposium in 2010 was held for two days on October 27 and 28, 2010.
On the first day, the invited speech titled "Clean Coal Technology of Japan Saves the Earth" was delivered by Mr. Masayoshi Kitamura, President of Electric Power Development Co., Ltd (J-Power). And the special lecture titled "Green Industrial Revolution" was delivered by Mr. Takamitsu Sawa, President of Shiga University.
Further, the panel discussion addressing the theme of "For Realizing Strong Japan--The Way to Proceed Engineering Industry - was held by three panelists consisting of Mr. Tetsuya Watanabe (Counselor, Minister's Secretariat, METI), Mr. Keisuke Takeuchi (President & CEO, JGC Corporation) and Mr. Toshikazu Hayashi (Executive Director, Kawasaki Heavy Industry Co. Ltd.) together with Mr. Yuki Inomoto ( Chief Analyst, Marubeni Economy Research) as coordinator.
On the second day, three sub themes of " How Do We Change?", " To Grow up the Strength of Japan" and " To Make the Earth Better to Live" were elaborated and 11 practical sessions relevant to these themes were planned and held.
The Engineering Symposium 2011 is schedule to be held on October 26 and 27, 2011.