Total System
Conceptual Design of the Total System
1. Conceptual Design of the Total System
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.
2. Study on Global Network
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.
<--joint research-->
Optimaization of the Network
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
3. Nation-Level Energy Estimation and Assessment
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
4. City-Level Energy Estimation and Assessment
London Research Centre
Imperial College Consultants Ltd.
5. Safety Measures and Assessment
The Institute of Applied Energy
1. Conceptual Design of the Total System
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.
2. Study on Global Network
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.
3. City-Level Energy Estimation and Assessment
London Research Centre
Imperial College Consultants Ltd.
Fuji Research Institute Corporation
4. Safety Measures and Assessment
SRI International
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Copyright(C) 1998-2003 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization