1. Introduction
The Institute of Applied Energy
(IAE) is an independent and non-profit research institute on energy
issues, rounded in 1978 under the auspices of leading industries
and the Ministry of international Trade and Industry.
The objects of IAE are fivefold:
- To collect and process information on energy issues in Japan and other countries
- To review and analyze energy issues from technological viewpoint
- To provide information capable of serving as a basis for policy
planning and decision making in both government and private sector
- To study and evaluate various future energy systems and energy related research and development
- To encourage close communications among the government, private and public organizations and research institutions through exchange of information and opinions.
Research is conducted by organizing a study team of its own research staff and relevant specialists from universities, governments, various institutes and industries.At present there are 50 researchers who have substantial experienced in industry and government as well as engineering and science backgrounds.
2. Research Activities
2-1. Research and Development Division
1) Development and Applications of Methodologies for Analysis, Evaluation and Systematization of scientific and Technological Data and Information of Energy
- development of Energy Technology Database
- Research on Retrieval System of Coal Technology Database
- Study on Long-term Energy Planning Model
2) General and specific Researches on Fundamental Technological Issues related to Energy Development,Supply and Utilization
Nuclear energy field
- Quantitative safety Objectives for Nuclear Power Plant Operation
Fossil Energy field
- Unconventional Natural Gas Resources
3) General and Specific Researches on Applications of Technologies related to Energy Development,Supply and Utilization
Nuclear Energy Field
- Feasibility Study of Technologies for Fast Breeder Reactor Systems
- Study on the Approach for Human Conscious Design of LWR
- Scenario Analysis of Plutonium Utilization in Japan
- Decommissioning Technologies for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
- Geological Disposal Concept for RW in Japan
- TRU Waste Management Issues
- Management Culture for Safe Operation of Nuclear Power Plant in Japan
- Advancement of Simulation Technologies for Nuclear Reactor Safety
- Advanced Analysis Methodologies on BWR-Subchannel
Fossil Energy Field
- Evaluation of Coal-Bed Gas Resources
- Oxygenated Additives for Diesel
- Feasibility of Waste incinerating Generation combined with Petroleum Gas Turbine
- Methanol Concept of Electric Power Generating Refinery
- Methanol Fuel for Transportation
- Light oil Production Technologies from ultra-Heavy oil
New/Renewable Energy Field
- Introduction Scenario of MW-Class PAFC for District Heating and Cooling
- Deployment of interconnecting Technologies for Dispersed Power Systems
- Evaluation of Centralized Control System for End-user's Load
- Advanced Energy Management System for Nest Generation Housing
- Infrastructure Improvement for an Electric Vehicle Community
- Ceramic Gas Turbine Hybrid system for Transportation
- High Efficiency Waste Incinerating Power Generation System
- Environmental Assessment of Methanol-Fueled Power Generation
- Comprehensive Study on Advanced Thermal Power Generation Technologies
Global Environment Field
- Basic Survey on full Fossil Fuel cycle Analysis
- Feasibility of Environmentally Ham10ni2X5d energy Community Using a Large-Scale Cogeneration System
- Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Bulk Supply system of LP Gas
2-2. New Hydrogen Energy Center (NHECenter)
- Experimental Confirmation of ''Excess Heat" Production from Electrolysis with Palladium Electrodes
- Basic Studies on Mechanism of
2-3. WE-NET Center
- Comprehensive Evaluation and Liaison Activities for ''World Hydrogen Energy Network(WE- NET)''Project
- Safety Assessment of WE-NET System
- Seeds Finding Study on Innovative and/or Advanced Technologies related to WE-NET Project
3. Other. Activities
3-1. Monthly Regular Meeting
As one of the activities of Planning Division and Energy Technology information Center, IAE has a monthly regular meeting for the supporting members to disseminate and discuss technological and political information resulted from the research activities.
3-2. Annual Symposium and Others
1993 IAE Annual Symposium (15th year anniversary) - To investigate the Energy Technology Strategies toward the 21st Century - has been held at Tokyo on July 12, 1993.
In cooperation with New Energy and Industrial Technology Development organization (NEDO) has cosponsored ''New Hydrogen Energy Symposium ''at Sapporo in February 1994.
3-3. Publications of Periodicals and Books
IAE publishes the periodicals (quarterly)for.the supporting members to disseminate the outcomes of the research activities and recent energy-related topics. In addition,the Energy Technology Information Center OF IAE published a series of brochure entitled "New Energy Prospects"
As general publications ,IAE has published two books in 1993 Fiscal Year, which are entitled "Challenge to Energy Prospects in 2050''and "An Overview of Coal Technologies'',respectively.
3-4. International Activities
Mr. K. Matsui, a general manager of R&D Division, was carrying out a consultation of planning of the science base city under the contract of Indonesian Government from October 1991 to September 1993.
Mr. S. Hirusawa, a senior researcher of nuclear energy field, is staying as a visiting researcher with
COLENCO Poser Consulting Ltd. in Switzerland from April 1993.
Mr. Kurosawa, a senior researcher of nuclear energy field, had stayed as a visiting researcher at
Energy Modeling Forum at Stanford University for one year from 1994.
1993 Fiscal Year (April 1993-March
1994) 1,603Myen (ca. 16M$)
1994 Fiscal Year (April 1994-March
1995) 2,060Myen (ca. 21M$)